Bebington Newsletter- January

January’s News!

Happy New Year! We have a lot of exciting things planned across the nursery to start the year in the best way we can.


Baby Room

Our topic this month is ‘Winter Time!’ We will be getting very creative as we decorate our own hats and gloves and will also be making a melted snowman by painting the snow and sticking down his carrot nose and top-hat. The babies will also have the opportunity to get very messy as we play with winter themed gloop! There’s so much to look forward to!

The babies are also going to have a lovely time wrapping up nice and warm for a winter’s walk before returning to nursery and having a warm beaker of milk. How fun!


This month our topic is ‘Winter Time!’ During circle times, we will be focusing on how to keep warm in the cold weather by looking at different flashcards and playing ‘dress the bear.’ We will then be wrapping up nice and warm ourselves before a lovely winter’s walk to the library!

The children will also have plenty of opportunities to get creative as we have many arts and crafts activities planned, such as making our own foxes to take home. How fun!


This month our topic is ‘Winter Time!’ During circle times, we will be talking about how the weather changes this time of year and will discussing how to keep warm when playing outside. The children will also have the opportunity to create their own dens using blankets and sheets for role play activities. How fun!

We will also be getting very creative as we make our own melted snowman pictures by gluing and sticking down the snow, his carrot nose and button mouth. We can’t wait for you to see!


*Happy New Year! We hope that you all have a lovely Christmas and are excited to welcome you back to Bluebells this year. We would also like to welcome all of our new parents, carers and children who will be joining us this month and hope to make Bluebells feel like a second home as soon as possible.

*Please ensure that you bring in a winter’s coat and hat for your child to ensure that they are lovely and warm when playing out in the garden or on walks. We are also encouraging our older children to put on and zip up their own coat and would really appreciate if you could support this at home too!

Thank you for your co-operation.

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